Navigating through endless knowledge — and life itself for that matter — can be a daunting task. In a new school with streamlined architecture and few recognizable landmarks, finding your way can be challenging.
Client: TEC - Copenhagen School of Technical Education
Objective: Design a wayfinding system for the new H.C. Ørsted Gymnasium in Lyngby.
TEC commissioned me to design the wayfinding system for their new technical gymnasium (HTX), focusing on technology and natural sciences. Inspired by the Periodic Table, I developed a system where each locker section features prominently displayed chemical elements, aiding navigation and reinforcing the school's educational focus.
In the stairwell areas, raw concrete walls and contrasting red flooring display subject and room overviews. Text, executed in foil and mounted directly on the concrete walls, highlights the current floor number in a three-dimensional material. A three-dimensional line extends from the floor number to emphasize the floor you're on and guide navigation based on room descriptions.